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Public Plans

Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Plans (1491)

Digital Curation Centre

Effect of a new bleaching agent for professional use containing hexametaphosphate and fluoride on bleaching efficacy, trans-amelodentinal diffusion, microhardness and cytotoxicity: an in vitro study

Alberto Delbem, São Paulo State University (
Digital Curation Centre

Evaluation of the effects of natural products niga-ichigosideo F1 and 2β, 3β, 19α-trihydroxyursolic acid on human cells: cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, cell cycle monitoring, induction of apoptosis and gene expression analysis.

Edson Maistro, São Paulo State University (
UNICAMP-GENERICO: Aplicável a todas as áreas

Protagonismo Feminino no Enfrentamento dos Eventos Climáticos e Meteorológicos Extremos: Estudo de Caso com Mulheres Educadoras

AMASA FERREIRA CARVALHO, State University of Campinas (
UNICAMP-GENERICO: Aplicável a todas as áreas

Caracterização da interação entre EFL-1 e dcr-1 no controle do envelhecimento em resposta à restrição calórica em C. elegans

Guilherme Tonon-da-Silva, State University of Campinas (
UNICAMP-GENERICO: Aplicável a todas as áreas

Exploring evolutionary history of lichen moths by integrated approach (Lepidoptera: Lithosiini)

Simeão Moraes, State University of Campinas (
Template USP - Mínimo

Planejamento, síntese e caracterização dos mecanismos moleculares de derivados de dipeptidil nitrila inibidores de cisteíno catepsinas com atividade antineoplásica

Andrei Leitao, Universidade de São Paulo (
Digital Curation Centre

Immersive virtual reality as therapeutic tool for rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's Disease (InViPark)

Jose Cancela, Universidad de Vigo
AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Sentenac Cienega Restoration Project

Yanghongfan Wang, University of California, Irvine
NSF-EAR: Earth Sciences OBSOLETE

Fragmentation and Dilatancy Model on Barringer Meteor Crater

Rana Dey, Baylor University (
Digital Curation Centre

A negação por meio de "não" e suas variantes no português brasileiro: uma abordagem discursivo-funcional

Gabriel Henrique Galvão Passetti, São Paulo State University (