Public Plans
Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.
Plans (1557)
NSF-SBE: Social, Behavioral, Economic Sciences
Doctoral Dissertation Research: An Agent-Based Model of Population Changes in a Vulnerable Coastal Environment
Kenan Li, Louisiana State University (
NSF-SBE: Social, Behavioral, Economic Sciences
Project 1 Data Management
Ryan Scott, University of Washington ( (
Institute of Education Sciences (US Dept of Education)
Collaboration as a means of retention
luis meza, New Mexico State University (
NEH-ODH: Office of Digital Humanities
Project Andvari
Joseph Koivisto, Non Partner Institution
NSF-CISE: Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Peer Power
DMP dmpcurator, University of California, Office of the President (
NEH-ODH: Office of Digital Humanities
Multimedia Text Annotation for Students
DMP dmpcurator, University of California, Office of the President (
NEH-ODH: Office of Digital Humanities
A unified approach to preserving cultural software objects and their development histories
DMP dmpcurator, University of California, Office of the President (