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Funder Requirements

Templates for data management plans are based on the specific requirements listed in funder policy documents. The DMP Tool maintains these templates, however, researchers should always consult the program officers and policy documents directly for authoritative guidance. Sample plans are provided by a funder or another trusted party.

Template Name  Download Organization name  Last Updated  Funder Links Create a new plan Sample Plans
(if available) Sample plans are provided by a funder, an organization or a trusted party.
NSF-EHR: Education and Human Resources (opens as a .docx file in MS Word) Opens a new window (opens as a .pdf document in a new window) Opens in new window National Science Foundation ( 06-27-2024 Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG)
NSF-EHR Data Management Guidance
NSF Public Access Initiative
NSF 2024 PAPPG section on DMPs
NSF Application Guide (NSF 24-006)
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NSF-ENG: Engineering (opens as a .docx file in MS Word) Opens a new window (opens as a .pdf document in a new window) Opens in new window National Science Foundation ( 06-27-2024 NSF PPAPG 2024: PART I: PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES - Chapter I: Pre-Submission Information
NSF-ENG Data Management Guidance
NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), June 2020
NSF Application Guide (NSF 24-006)
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NSF-GEN: Generic (opens as a .docx file in MS Word) Opens a new window (opens as a .pdf document in a new window) Opens in new window National Science Foundation ( 06-27-2024 NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG)
NSF Public Access Initiative
NSF Dissemination and Sharing of Research Results
NSF-19-069 Dear Colleague Letter: Effective Practices for Data
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NSF-PHY: Physics (opens as a .docx file in MS Word) Opens a new window (opens as a .pdf document in a new window) Opens in new window National Science Foundation ( 06-27-2024 NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG)
NSF-PHY Advice to PIs on DMPs
NSF Public Access Initiative
NSF Application Guide (NSF 24-006)
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NSF-SBE: Social, Behavioral, Economic Sciences (opens as a .docx file in MS Word) Opens a new window (opens as a .pdf document in a new window) Opens in new window National Science Foundation ( 06-27-2024 NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1)
NSF-SBE Data Management Guidance [PDF]
NSF 2024 PAPPG section on DMPs
NSF Application Guide (NSF 24-006
NSF Public Access Initiative
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