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Public Plans

Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Plans (1357)

SMART Grants Stage 1 Data Management Plan (DMP)

Enabling Trust and Deployment Through Verified Connected Intersections

Jeremy Schroeder, United States Department of Transportation (DOT) (
Digital Curation Centre

Itinerâncias do desejo no Outro: um percurso pelas alteridades de Clarice Lispector

Vitória mari Leandro, São Paulo State University (
Digital Curation Centre

Connecticut Integrated Transit Mobility Project (CT-ITMP)

Ryan Fetchko, Vhb
Digital Curation Centre

Reporte Indicadores Bibliométricos: Proyecto InES Ciencia Abierta Universidad de Concepción

Rodrigo Cortés villegas, Universidad De Concepción (chile)
NIH-Default DMSP

Virome Investigation in Diverse Human Populations

Daniel Park, Broad Institute (
Digital Curation Centre (português)


Maryanne Silva, São Paulo State University (
Digital Curation Centre (português)

Comunicando a percepção urbana através da Modelagem da Informação da Cidade e da Realidade Virtual um estudo baseado na psicologia ambienta

Zahra Alinam, State University of Campinas (
BCO-DMO NSF OCE: Biological and Chemical Oceanography

Investigating the environmental dynamics and physiology of recently identified & metabolically streamlined marine picocyanobacteria from an iron-limited ocean region

Garrett Sharpe, North Carolina State University (
NSF-DMS: Mathematical Sciences

DMSP for "A new class of high-order integral solvers for wave propagation problems in composite media"

Cristo Yanez leon, New Jersey Institute of Technology
SMART Grants Stage 1 Data Management Plan (DMP)

Drone Medical Package Delivery for Improved Transportation and Better Patient Outcomes

Madeline Alden, United States Department of Transportation (DOT) (