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Public Plans

Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Plans (1402)

U.S. Department of Transportation Public Access Guidance v1

GUERRA_The built environment and pedestrian safety in the Philadelphia region

Erick Guerra, University of Pennsylvania (
NSF-AGS: Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

Data Management Plan

fred dru, Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University (
NIH-GEN: Generic

Maternal choline supplementation: Offspring cognition, affect, & epigenetics

Julie Nevins, Cornell University (
Department of Energy (DOE): Office of Science

Dirac Materials

Eugene Mele, University of Pennsylvania (
NSF-SBE: Social, Behavioral, Economic Sciences

Femininity of Four-wheels: How En-wheeled Women Manage Stigma

Rachel Hargis, Florida Atlantic University (
BCO-DMO NSF OCE: Biological and Chemical Oceanography

Barriers to cross-shelf coral connectivity in the Florida Keys

Mikhail Matz, The University of Texas at Austin
Institute of Education Sciences (US Dept of Education)


Stanley Jonjak, Non Partner Institution
NSF-GEN: Generic

DMPRoadmap: Making Data Management Plans Actionable

Stephanie Simms, University of California, Irvine
U.S. Geological Survey DMP Guidance

USGS Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility

Brandy Armstrong, United States Geological Survey (
U.S. Geological Survey DMP Guidance

Data management plan for: Structural, Geochemical, and Permeability Measurements of the Basement Interface Contact and Associated Fault Zones Using Outcrop and Core Analog Studies: Implications for Injection Induced Seismicity in the Midcontinent Region

James Evans, Utah State University (