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Public Plans

Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Plans (76)

  • Featured
NIH-Default DMSP

Impact of autism genetic liability on behavioral reinforcement and accumbal dopamine

Alexxai Kravitz, Washington University in St. Louis (
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NIH-Default DMSP

Unraveling glioblastoma heterogeneity through developmentally partitioned proliferative compartments

Christopher Plaisier, Arizona State University (
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NIH-Default DMSP

Effects of Placental Dysfunction on Brain Growth in Congenital Heart Disease

Cynthia Ortinau, Washington University in St. Louis (
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NIH-Default DMSP

Accumbal adaptations that contribute to weight regain after weight loss

Alexxai Kravitz, Washington University in St. Louis (
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DataWorks! Data Management and Sharing Plan Challenge

Using natural language processing to determine predictors of healthy diet and physical activity behavior change in ovarian cancer survivors

Damian Yukio Romero Diaz, University of Arizona (
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NIH-GDS: Genomic Data Sharing

Mosquito evolution in response to a dengue envelope protein-guided insecticidal peptide

Christopher Kearney, Baylor University (
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NIH-GEN: Generic

Phonological aspects of word learning: Advantages of bilingualism and impacts of developmental language disorder

Carolyn Quam, Portland State University (
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NIH-GEN: Generic

Examining the Impact of a Year-long RN-led Care Management Intervention

Kae Livsey, Western Carolina University (
NIH-Default DMSP

Law Enforcement Drug Seizures and Homeless Encampment Displacements: Implications for Overdose Risk

Bradley Ray, RTI International (
NIH-Default DMSP

Increasing Trial Enrollment of Rural Residents in ARDS Clinical Trials

Marie Nguyen, University of Nebraska Medical Center (